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Research & Development
Block Development
World's first hole block
Producing hole block with
the world’s first technology -
Continuous development of
Developing new products based on
new products
accumulated experiences and expertise -
Various functionalities
Excellent performance in stability
and quality

R&D History
Developed permeable sidewalk block with permeable performance durability
rating 1 and flexural strength of 8Mpa or higher - 2 Developed low-shrinkage permeable CTB for base layer of low-speed road
Developed permeability function recovery system and assessment technique
for permeable block -
Developed technology to reduce particulate matter on roads and conducted
verification study - 5 Developed traffic lane block to improve safety in child protection zone
Completed eco-friendly assessment of block pavement for traffic lanes for
climate change response -
Conducted port block performance test and developed manufacturing
improvement plan - 8 Manufactured pavement block for port and completed pilot installation on testbed