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Press release
Leading company specializing in water permeable blocks for roadways and sidewalks, has original technology that leads multi-layered structural block technology
[Sports Seoul Reporter Shin Jae-yu]
In line with various environmental problems such as fine dust, urban heat island phenomenon, and guerrilla intensive heavy rain, sidewalk block production technology is also steadily evolving. At the center is Daeil Tech Co., Ltd. (CEO Baek Won-ok), a venture company specializing in the production and construction of pitching blocks for roadways and sidewalks.
Baek Won-ok, CEO of Daeil Tech Co., Ltd
Founded in 2005, the company is the nation's leading eco-friendly road block industry. It was designated as an export promising company (G-PASS company) and an excellent technology evaluation company by continuously investing research funds and facilities and developing eco-friendly permeable block products with excellent quality, strength, and stability.
Daeil Tech Co., Ltd.'s main products are '3D hole block' and 'core block' that effectively remove fine dust introduced with rainwater, as well as 'hole block', 'Nature Faber hole block', 'granito block', 'geoblock', and 'no weeds block'.
These products not only have excellent rainwater penetration function and long permeability, but also have excellent walkability and high strength due to their anti-slip, and are luxurious and beautiful by implementing natural granite texture and appearance.
Among the company's products that have secured original technology for fine dust-reducing permeable blocks, "3D Hole Block" and "Hole Block" with excellent environmental purification functions were registered with the Public Procurement Service in 2015 and selected as promising export companies to overseas procurement markets in 2016.
In addition, for the first time in Korea, a road block was constructed on a four-lane road in front of Jochiwon Station in Sejong City in 2017, and merchants and citizens were very satisfied.
Daeil Tech Co., Ltd. invested 10 billion won in the Saenggeuk Industrial Complex in Sinyang-ri, Saenggeuk-myeon, Eumseong-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do in April to establish the world's first superblock automated production system.
Baek Won-ok, who leads the future with advanced technology and focuses on developing new products as an innovative entrepreneur, said, "This year's sales will increase by more than 150% compared to last year."
Source: Sports Seoul (